Description: Defines a collidable object that can be used to detect collisions with other objects.
Implements: EndGate.IDisposable
Collidable (bounds)
Creates a new instance of Collidable.
bounds: EndGate.Bounds.Bounds2d
Initial bounds for the Collidable.
Bounds: EndGate.Bounds.Bounds2d
Gets or sets the Bounds of the collidable.
OnCollision: EndGate.EventHandler1 <Collision.CollisionData>
Gets an event that is triggered when a collision happens. Functions can be bound or unbound to this event to be executed when the event triggers.
OnDisposed: EndGate.EventHandler1 <Collidable>
Gets an event that is triggered when the Collidable has been disposed. Functions can be bound or unbound to this event to be executed when the event triggers.
Determines if the provided collidable is colliding with this Collidable.
Triggers the OnCollision event. Can also be overridden from derived classes to be called when a collision occurs if the collidable is being used with a CollisionManager
Triggers the OnDisposed event. If this Collidable is used with a CollisionManager it will be unmonitored when disposed.
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