
Description: Defines a manager that will check for collisions between objects that it is monitoring.

Implements: EndGate.IUpdateable , EndGate.IDisposable


CollisionManager ()
Creates a new instance of CollisionManager.


OnCollision: EndGate.EventHandler2 <Collision.Collidable, Collision.Collidable>
Gets an event that is triggered when a collision happens among two of the monitored objects. Functions can be bound or unbound to this event to be executed when the event triggers.


Monitors the provided collidable and will trigger its Collided function and OnCollision event whenever a collision occurs with it and another Collidable. If the provided collidable gets disposed it will automatically become unmonitored.

Unmonitors the provided collidable. The Collided function and OnCollision event will no longer be triggered when an actual collision may have occurred. Disposing a monitored collidable will automatically be unmonitored

Checks for collisions within its monitored objects. Games CollisionManager's automatically have their Update functions called at the beginning of each update loop.

Destroys removes all monitored collidables and destroys the collision manager.


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