Description: Defines an animation that can be drawn to the screen.
Implements: EndGate.IDisposable
SpriteAnimation (imageSource, fps, frameSize, frameCount)
Creates a new instance of the SpriteAnimation object.
imageSource: Graphics.ImageSource
The Sprite sheet that contains the image frames used to display the animation.
fps: number
How fast to play the animation (frames per second). This value should not be less than the games update interval.
frameSize: EndGate.Size2d
How large each animation frame is within the imageSource sprite sheet.
frameCount: number
How many frames to play for the animation.
SpriteAnimation (imageSource, fps, frameSize, frameCount, startOffset)
Creates a new instance of the SpriteAnimation object.
imageSource: Graphics.ImageSource
The Sprite sheet that contains the image frames used to display the animation.
fps: number
How fast to play the animation (frames per second). This value should not be less than the games update interval.
frameSize: EndGate.Size2d
How large each animation frame is within the imageSource sprite sheet.
frameCount: number
How many frames to play for the animation.
startOffset: EndGate.Vector2d
The positional offset within the imageSource on where the set of animation frames begin.
OnComplete: EndGate.EventHandler
Gets an event that is triggered when the animation has completed, will not trigger if the animation is repeating. Functions can be bound or unbound to this event to be executed when the event triggers.
Fps: number
Gets or sets the current frames per second.
Determines if the animation is currently playing.
Determines if the animation can play. This is essentially checking if the underlying image source is loaded.
Plays the animation.
Pauses the animation.
Steps the animation 1 frame forward. If not repeating and the animation surpasses the maximum frame count, the animation will stop and the OnComplete event will trigger.
Stops the animation and resets the current animation frame to 0.
Resets the current animation frame to 0.
Updates the animations current frame. Needs to be updated in order to play the animation.
Unbinds all events. Does not dispose the underlying image source.
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