
Description: Defines a camera rendering object that when used in conjunction with a Camera2d draws all objects in a camera relative position.

Extends: Rendering.Renderer2d


Camera2dRenderer (renderOnto, camera)
Creates a new instance of the Camera2dRenderer.

renderOnto: HTMLCanvasElement
The canvas to render onto.

camera: Rendering.Camera2d
The camera that ultimately decides what is drawn to the renderOnto canvas.


Inherited from: Rendering.Renderer2d

OnRendererSizeChange: EndGate.EventHandler1 <EndGate.Size2d>
Gets an event that is triggered when the renderOnto canvas changes size. Functions can be bound or unbound to this event to be executed when the event triggers.


Renders the provided renderables onto the renderOnto canvas. Returns the canvas that was rendered onto.

Inherited from: Rendering.Renderer2d

Destroys the visible canvas.


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